When do different tools update?

Here is a rough estimate of how frequently are our tools updated.

1. Overall market dashboard updates every minute.
2. Options market dashboard updates every minute as well.
3. Crypto market and darkpool market dashboards both update every 5-10 minutes.
4. Stocks dashboard updates every minute.
4. Options ticker dashboard updates every 5 minutes. However, the algo flow data & net flow data on the dashboard are both live.
5. Crypto ticker dashboard updates every 5 minutes.
6. Darkpool ticker dashboard updates every 5 minutes.
7. Live Options Flow is live, and updates every 3 seconds.
8. Trady flow and bullseye both update every minute.
9. Flowline updates every minute.
10. Prophet and Scany update about 2-3 hours after market close.
11. Flash and Opinta update every minute.
12. Our AI portfolios are updated at the end of day.
13. Other tools that are updated every few minutes are Gambit, Crypto Scan, and Chatters.
14. Yinyang updates every week, Peekaboo updates every day, Senate dashboards update at the end of day as well, and Hedging dashboards are updated every quarter.
15. Performance dashboard updates every 2 hours.