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Tradytics Performance

Weekly and monthly rolling performance of our tools. Updated every day.
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Biggest Tradyflow Winners

Biggest winners from our tradyflow tool.

T Sym Type Str Exp Prem Price Chng
Biggest Bullseye Winners

Biggest winners from our bullseye tool.

T Sym Type Str Exp Pr Pred Conf Chng
Biggest Bullish Winners

Biggest winners from last week where the prediction was bullish.

Prediction Date Ticker Tool Probability Alerted At Total Change
Biggest Bearish Winners

Biggest winners from last week where the prediction was bearish.

Prediction Date Ticker Tool Probability Alerted At Total Change
Tradyflow Premiums

Effect of premiums on the accuracy of trady flow plays.

Tradyflow Orders

Effect of number of orders on the accuracy of trady flow plays.

Bullseye Confidence

Effect of confidence score on the accuracy of bullseye plays.

Bullseye Premiums

Effect of premiums on the accuracy of bullseye plays.

Tradyflow Distribution

Distribution of profits and losses for each trady flow signal.

Bullseye Distribution

Distribution of profits and losses for each bullseye signal.

GoldenSweeps Distribution

Distribution of profits and losses for each golden sweep signal.

Tradyflow Stars

Top winning symbols in trady flow.

Bullseye Stars

Top winning symbols in bullseye.

GoldenSweeps Stars

Top winning symbols via golden sweeps.

Tradyflow Sector

Win rate for each sector in trady flow.

Bullseye Sector

Win rate for each sector in bullseye.

Goldensweeps Sector

Win rate for each sector using golden sweeps.